martes, abril 10, 2012

Fotos de Roma Semana Santa 2012

Un grupo de residentes del Colegio Mayor Albayzín viajaron a Roma para el Congreso UNIV en abril de 2012 durante la Semana Santa. Pasamos por Florencia. Vivimos la Semana Santa con Benedicto XVI que nos recibió con otros participantes de la JMJ de Madrid y nos dijo unas palabras emotivas y sugerentes. Algunos presentaron una comunicación oral el el Foro UNIV. Todos disfrutamos de la ciudad eterna. Aquí están algunas de las mejores fotos.

A group of resident’s from Colegio Mayor Albayzin travelled to Rome for the UNIV conference this April during Holy Week. On the way we passed through Florence. We ‘lived’ Holy Week with Pope Benedict Xvi, who received us along with thousands of young people who had previously attended WYD in Madrid and his words were emotional and inspiring. A few of us gave a presentation at the UNIV conference. Every one enjoyed the ‘eternal’ city. Here are a few of the better photos.

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